Monday, June 7, 2010

This is Meatfest Part 1 Salmon!!!!!!

Every Memorial Day weekend my sister Kira and her husband Chris have the mother of all Memorial Day picnics. It has become affectionately known as Meatfest. For the past few years I have been promising to get down to Alpharetta, Ga, where they live, to join in on the festivities. This year we finally did it. I began taking pictures to document some of Chris's smoking techniques and came away extremely impressed with how much work they put into this party. Approximately 60 to 70 people show up with kids in tow to chow down on a meal Chris and Kira start preparing for over a week in advance. Chris actually has to start cooking at midnight the night before the party so that everything is done on time for the picnic. They really go all out for friends and family. Here is some documentation of the process.

This is Chris washing off Salmon before he marinades it.
If I remember correctly the marinade has apple cider, salt and pepper and some other spices and it sits over night.Salmon is the only thing that Chris cooks on the smoker which cooks quickly, about 45 minutes. Kira adds it to the appetizer table while the other meats still cook.Here is a close up of the finished product. This Salmon is award winning. I almost spoiled my appetite.Kira puts it out with sour cream, capers, tomatoes and onions, all excellent accompaniments.

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