Monday, June 7, 2010

This is Meatfest Part 2 The Appetizers and Sides

Sure it's called Meatfest, but man can not live on meat alone, and that is where Kira comes in. Kira makes sure there are plenty of appetizers to nibble on while the meat is cooking, and she also makes all the sides for the party, does all the shopping, makes sure there are plenty of paper products, and decorations. Almost anything but heavy lifting and meat are Kira's responsibility, and no once can multi-task like she can.

Kira in her kitchen finishing up the appetizers and getting rolls ready for later.
An assortment of crackers and breads to go with apps.

Why not have a meat appetizer? After all how do you think it got the name Meatfest?
These deviled eggs were made by a friend of Chris and Kira's who has his own chickens! The great thing about Meatfest though is unless you offer, they won't ask you to bring anything but yourself. Chris and Kira want you just to relax and enjoy.
A view of some of the sides, mac and Cheese, two types of pasta salad, regular salad, cole slaw, beans, potato salad, and pineapple casserole are just a few of things Kira puts together the day before.
Festive Memorial Day meatball appetizer

Did someone ask for Decorations? This is one Patriotic Party! I say they do it on the 4th of July this year too!
Here are the proud hosts by the finished appetizer table. One thing I didn't get a close up of is the apricot preserve, gorgonzola, mozzarella and ham pizza. I think Lou is expecting me to make this one at home.
No party would be complete with out a bar including Skinny Girl Margartita's and Mojito's!How do you think my sister stays so thin with all the meat she is about to eat in part 3 of Meatfest! Also,unlimited soda, water and juiceboxes for the kids.

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