Monday, June 7, 2010

This is Meatfest Part 3 The Smoker and the Main Event MEAT!!

In Part 1 I talked about my Brother-in-law starting to cook meat at midnight the night before Meatfest. Here is the brisket that has been on all night.
The ribs get a good rub down with Chris' secret rub before going into the smoker, they also were marinading all night in a secret marinade.
Chris rubbing his meat.
Ribs laid out and ready for a good rub
The Smoker is loaded! Now we just sit and wait while the meat gets all that smokey goodness cooked into it. There was pork, chicken and beef. Meatfest does not discriminate!
As if Chris doesn't make enough on the smoker, he also whips up this brunswick stew, which similar to a chili but chock full of different types of meat!
Let's not forget this is a BBQ
MMMM, Is it ready?
The chicken is ready for prepping, Chris has his cutting station set up next to the smoker.
Beef Ribs or as I like to call them Fred Flinstone Ribs
It's all done and begging us to start eating!
Hey! Is she sneaking some meat?!?! I guess it is pretty smart to hang out by the smoker
Dr. Chris and his electric knife, Apron courtesy of the cutest kid ever, Sam
Now you know how it got it's name
Look how happy Kira is, the work is done, now all we have to do is EAT!!!

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