


When I first started writing this blog, I realized there were things I liked to try in most restaurants. Caesar salad, calamari, boneless wings to name a few. I also like to check out different pizza places, and my favorite, Ice Cream places!!!!In the last year or so, I have felt like I have been on a Yogurt Quest. It all started with hearing about Pinkberry in L.A. Ok, I admit it, I am a reality show junkie and first heard about Pinkberry on the Hills. Then I was watching Ellen one day, and she gave Pinkberry to the whole audience. My brother in law is in L.A. so we have reason to get out there once in a while. I started to obsess about having to try Pinkberry when we were in town. I had to know what this stuff was???
Pinkberry is frozen yogurt. They have different flavors, but the base is a tart plain yogurt and it tastes amazing with fresh fruit in it. The difference between their yogurt and other yogurts is the tartness.
Before I ever got out to try Pinkberry, my favorite local icecream place came out with their own Pinkberry like flavor. J. P. Licks, came out with Yo Tango.
When the Pinkberry's of the world were not around, J.P.Licks was making frozen yogurt and making it well. In the 90's there wasn't a place in town who could keep up with the volume Licks did. Lines in their Brookline, Newton Center, J.P, and Newbury Street stores were out the door. Since then, they have added a West Roxbury, Brigham Circle, Davis Square and soon to open Dedham store.
When JP Licks first started carrying Yo Tango, I was a little disappointed. Did they really have to conform to this new type of flavor out on the market? But then I tried it, and it is really yummy, tastes light, and is a nice addition to their menu.
After the induction of Yo Tango at JP Licks, Lou and I started noticing this tart yogurt phenomenon popping up all over the city. Berry Line opened up off Harvard Square. Chill opened up in Brighton near Boston College. It seemed like everyone was jumping on the tart yogurt bandwagon. What was it about this tasty treat?
We visited Berry Line and realized they had the nutritional information on the wall. At first glance, this stuff looks pretty light. Not too many calories per ounce, it's a good source of protein, calcium and live active yogurt cultures, but be warned with ice cream/yogurt shops. You need to know if those calories are posted by weight or volume! I think this tart yogurt craze is the perception this stuff is really good for you. When it comes down to it. Tangy yogurts are better than ice cream, but most still have a lot of sugar in them, and calorie postings can be deceiving, so you might want to keep that in mind.
I did finally make it out to Pinkberry in L.A. I thought, this is the original! If I thought those cheap imitations in Boston were good, this is going to be FANTASTIC!!! But in the end, I have decided all tart yogurt is created equal. It is just how you package it in the form of toppings and atmosphere that is different.
Pinkberry has a cool atmosphere with hip lighting, clear chairs and white tables. Walking into this place you have the illusion of feeling healthy. Their fruit toppings look super fresh, but hey they are in California, of course they can get fresh toppings year round. I liked the way Pinkberry took our order. Once they took it, a sticker popped out of the register they could apply to the cup and hand off to someone to assemble it. (note: my husband's name is Louis not LUIS!!!, see cup below)
Berry Line in Boston has a large selection of toppings. Lots of fruit and several flavor choices. The first store is tiny, subsequent stores are bigger. The art work is done by our good friend Bren Bataclan. It is whimsical and adds to the light and healthy atmosphere. Since opening more stores, they have adopted additional artists to their atmosphere. In Harvard Square, this is definitely, THE place to get tart yogurt these days.
Chill not only has the tart yogurt, but some icecream options as well. Their atmosphere is minimalistic and clean. Seating is limited, but there are plenty of places to hang out nearby if you go when it is warm. Their toppings were limited in the fruit department, but they also seemed to have just opened when we stopped by.
J.P. Licks is still hip and a bit quirky after all these years. Not easy to do for a place that has been around for 25+ years! They have a large selection of healthy and not so healthy toppings. Many of their toppings are homemade, like their delicious fudge and butterscotch. Depending on the store the seating varies, but this is the type of place you can hang out in for hours doing homework, or work. There is ever changing artwork which adorns their walls. In the JP store they have a fireplace with big chairs relax in, and although they are most known for their icecream. JP Licks also does coffee drinks and breakfast items.
As tart yogurt moves from the new hip and trendy treat to the same old, same old. It looks like the newest trend in frozen yogurt will be the build your own yogurt buffet. Yogurtland in L.A. seems to be the trend setter with machines lined up end to end boasting 10 or more flavors to choose from. Toppings are in a salad bar type stand, and you pay by weight. I have heard a place like this is opening in the Brookline area of Boston. The concept is interesting, but messy. Most people have no idea how to really operate a machine to make a good cup or cone, and the toppings bar is always askew requiring frequent clean up. The cost is cheap but, trust me, so is the product. If you want some really great tasting yogurt, not the tart type, head to J.P. Licks. They still are the leader withe flavors like Oreo, Chocolate Chip cookie, Peanut Butter, Ginger Snap.... I could go on.
My yogurt quest conclusions as they stand right now are this... For tart yogurt in Boston, Berry Line is my winner. All they have is the tart treat so they concentrate fully on toppings which compliment it. I have to admit though, if Pinkberry were in Boston, I might go there instead since it is the original.
For regular soft yogurt flavors, J.P. Licks is the clear winner. They have a great reputation and have been around for years. How they make yogurt taste like a Chocolate Chip cookie is a mystery to me, but they do it and do it well. They also have sugar free yogurt, hard yogurt options, amazing ice cream and coffee drinks.
My yogurt quest is far from over. I am sure I will be enjoying it for years to come.